Quickly find people and resources to support your teaching.
Information for new staff from HR
These links are a good place to begin. You will soon feel a part of, and be able to contribute to, Aston’s learning and teaching community.
Developing your teaching
The Academic Practice Team in the Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice (CLIPP) provide a range of taught programmes, oversee the HEA professional recognition scheme, as well as run a range of CPD sessions.
Personal Tutoring
There are resources here to help you with your role as a personal tutor
Managers and leaders
These pages have been developed specifically for new Managers and Leaders to assist with the day to day management of their staff
Learning Development Centre
To help students with all aspects of their academic skills, keep on top of their studies and maximise their potential
The Hub
Students’ first port of call for help and advice on a number of issues
Learning Spaces
Information and instructions for our lecture theatres and seminar rooms.
Technology-Enhanced Learning Technology
Guidance and support in using technology in teaching.